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Koinonia: February Edition

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).

This past month we took a break from our Matthew study…but not really. Matthew and the other three Gospels contain the words and work of Christ. The Savior is the anchor and the lens through which we read and apply all scripture, and so our New Year’s messages, like all sermons, all come back to our relationship with Jesus.

We have the assurances of rebirth and inheritance, reminding us that we have an identity and a destination that will provide us purpose and protection as we face the trials of this life. Each day in Christ is a new beginning and an opportunity to draw nearer to Him. We are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven while also citizens here on earth. At the crossroads of these kingdoms we have our purpose and mission: to the be the mind, heart, and hands of Christ.

I believe 2017 will be a year of growing into that purpose. May we properly prioritize around the simple yet powerful message of Matthew 6:33. For if we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, we are bound to experience harvest and not drought. We will draw nearer to each other as we draw nearer to our Lord. That koinonia will build a fire of warmth and light that all can see. It is this light that ultimately draws people to Christ. May we shine it brightly and be His beacon in our community.

–Pastor Justin

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